Saddles in Ghost of Tsushima (GoT) are cosmetic items. The saddle is a seat that is attached to the back of Jin's horse (Mount), it's purpose is to customize and change the appearance of the saddle. This item does not grant any buffs or add any perks but instead, it is mainly used for customization purposes only. This page covers a list of all the Saddles that are available in the game.


Ghost of Tsushima Saddles

Storm Wind
Storm Wind

Those who see this saddle know that a terrible storm approaches...

Cloudless Dash
Cloudless Dash

This saddle is said to feel like gliding across a clear sky

Elegant Fury
Elegant Fury

A saddle that commands dignity and respect.


Swift Summer
Swift Summer

Wherever your ride, good fortune an abundance follow. 

Racing Crane
Racing Crane

Travel as fast and free as its namesake.

Fierce Spirit
Fierce Spirit

For those who prize bold action and swift travel.


Pampas Gale
Pampas Gale

A saddle to rush through the woods and fields of Tsushima.

Hero of Tsushima Saddle
Hero of Tsushima Saddle

Used only by the greatest defenders of Tsushima.

Sakai Horse Armor

Forged to protect the fearless war horse of Kazumasa Sakai.

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