Conversations with the Khan 1

Collectible Type Record
Location Izuhara Clearing

Conversations with the Khan 1 is a Record in Ghost of Tsushima (GoT). A Record is a collectible item - in Jin's Journey, players will come across. Records are personal accounts, poems, and messages written by the people of Tsushima, documenting life during the Mongol invasion. The purpose of these artifacts is to be collected and to unlock a trophy for collecting it all. There are 40 artifacts that can be found in forts, encampments, and dwellings across the island.  


What can a simple monk like me hope to accomplish by recording my conversations with Khotun Khan? My aim is to document his words and deeds, in order to counter the natural suspicions of the people of Tsushima, foster mutual understanding, and thereby prevent more bloodshed.
The Khan has been most receptive to these talks, and surprisingly frank on a range of matters, though I am a mere translator, and Japanese to boot. His ambition is boundless as any shogun's, and he has a keen sense of history, and his place in it. At the same time, he is eager to learn more about our culture and history.
Such an intriguing man.


Conversations with the Khan 1 Location


Conversations with the Khan 1 Notes, Tips, and Trivia

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  • Be sure to check Mongol settlements to find an artifact, or follow Guide Birds to discover hidden locations.




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